Corus NEW
CC Moore
CARPology Rigs

How to tie the Withy Pool Rig

Dave Finn shows you how to tie the Withy Pool Rig - an under rated pop-up presentation - step by step

01 You need: N-Trap, Small Rig Rings, putty, Kurv Shanks, 1.6mm shrink tube, Sinkers and some Hook Beads.

02 Right, first off, take a 12-inch length of the 20lb N-Trap hooklink material like Dave has done here.

03 Remove around three-inches of the coating and then pass the braid through the front of the hook’s eye.

04 Now pass the braid back through the front of the eye again like shown.

05 Pull the tag end until the coating is a 1cm above the eye as shown here.

06 Pinch the tag end halfway up its length…

07 Keep it pinched and then whip four times down the braid towards the hook.

08 You will have a loop beneath where you have pinched, the tag needs to be passed through this.

09 As Dave is showing you here.

10 Tighten the knot down.

11 Now slide a two-inch length of shrink tube over the eye, it needs to sit above the break in the coating.

12 Using the steam from a kettle, shape the shrink tube into a nice curve.

13 Next, slide on two Sinkers like Dave has.

14 Position one of them over the break in the coating and the other a few inches behind it.

15 Now slide a rig ring over the point and onto the shank.

16 Follow this up with a Thinking Anglers Hook Bead.

17 Mould a decent chunk of putty around the Sinker.

18 Attach a nice buoyant pop-up and the rig is complete.