CC Moore
Bev Clifford Features

Bev Clifford: Carp Angler, Ultra Runner, Coffee & Cake Lover

"My favourite fishing-related apps are weather apps. I have five and sadly enjoy comparing them!"

Picking just one angling mentor is very hard, as growing up and working in the angling industry means I’m lucky to be good friends with some of the best anglers out there so I’m never short of people to go to for advice. But the person that spent the most time teaching me when I was starting out (and with the patience of a saint) is my good mate Jason Ingely. We haven’t fished together much in the last few years but we’ve had some great adventures and I owe him a lot. 

The greatest asset a fisherman can own is their eyes! After that I’d say time followed by a good bait.

An item that I don’t currently possess but would love to own is a converted van to go off on my adventures in—fishing, running and just generally exploring. 

The last thing I bought and loved was renewing my National Trust membership. I love the ‘free parking in all of their car parks’ perk. I have a second, which would be going to Tomorrowland Festival—an expensive day out but worth every penny!

 With time on my hands I would spend more time travelling and more time reading. 

The game-changing moment which altered everything for me was getting my driving licence. That freedom of being able to
go anywhere whenever you want was amazing. 

The one angler I’d love to fish with is my Dad on Redmire Pool back in the day, fishing for those stunning commons.

What do I find most irritating in other anglers? That’s easy! People setting the line and bobbins with their alarms on. There’s an off button, so please use it! 

The last podcast I listened to was Diary of a CEO by Steven Bartlett.

The lake I can’t wait to go back to is Spitfire Pool. I would love another go on there. 

An indulgence I would never forgo is proper coffee from fresh beans. Oh, and cake! Good coffee is my daily saviour, and I know cake isn’t the healthiest food but it’s my weakness!

The tackle items I would never part with is my TA Rucksack, my reels and my favourite baiting needle. 

My favourite fishing-related apps are weather apps. I have five and sadly enjoy comparing them! 

If I wasn’t doing what I do, I would mostly be doing anything that involves spending time in the great outdoors. It’s where I feel totally content and at my happiest.

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