CC Moore
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Catch carp to over 70lb this summer

Head across the Channel to Mirror Pool Fisheries for your chance to catch carp to over 70lb in stunning French countryside

Mirror Pool Fisheries have four stunning lakes set deep in the heart of the French countryside. Each are situated in their own peaceful setting deep in the Limousin countryside. Mirror Pool is four acres with carp to over 70lb and is a moderate to hard water. Millstone is seven acres and also holds carp to over 70lb.

Bev Stevens with a 68lb mirror

Mayflower Pool is ten acres with carp to nearly 60lb and a huge head of 30lb and 40lb fish and last year averaged nearly sixty fish a week. Meadow Lake is also ten acres and the easiest water. It has carp to mid 50s but is a prolific 30s and 40s water. Anglers regularly catch over thirty carp per person a week with the majority of those fish over 30lb including a few 40s.

Dwain Keeling with a 52lb 8oz mirror

2016 has only just kicked off with the lakes opening on 2nd April and they've already produced carp to over 68lb and a few 50s to back it up. There is still availability on Mirror Pool the weeks commencing 16th and 23th July. Millstone has availability on 2nd, 16th and 23th July and Mayflower Pool has availability on 21st May, 9th and 16th July and other weeks later in the year. Meadow Lake is available on the weeks beginning 14th May, 11th and 18th June and other weeks later in the year.

Glenn Price with a 51lb common

If you would like more information on Mirror Pool Fisheries go to their website or contact Rob on 01628 533092.

Scott Rodgers with a 45lb 2oz common