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CC Moore
CARPology Features

Do Zigs move around underwater?

Fed up of listening with bleeding ears to the lake bore who knows absolutely everything and everything?

The myth

‘Don’t fish Zigs in windy weather. The Zig will be laying over in the water or bouncing around because the wind/tow and the fish are on the deck anyway because it’s lower pressure.’

The reality

“I’ll deal with the last point first. Whilst there is a tendency to fish Zigs on higher pressure warmer days and down on the deck when the pressure drops and it gets windy, that’s not always the correct thing to do. There’s absolutely nothing at all to say that the fish will not still be mid-water if there’s a big wind on, and we often see fish crashing on windy days. It’s a complete myth that the water will be choppy below the surface. After about a foot down the water settles completely and I have been in the sea in 3ft waves only to sink below the surface madness to find it was mega calm. In fact, on a windy day after a warm spell the highest oxygen levels will be at the surface so a bait presented just below that can be a winner.

“And as for Zigs lying down because of tow, what a load of tosh. They may lean over a bit, but they certainly don’t lie flat or bounce around.”