Corus NEW
CC Moore
CARPology Bait

How to make an irresistible paste hookbait

Follow our step-by-step sequence and watch the video...

You will need:
- Paste
- Hookbait
- CC Moore Bloodworm Bag Mix
- CC Moore Tuna L030 Liquid
- CC Moore Pacific Tuna Concentrated Boilie Dip

1. Take a piece of paste just larger than your hookbait.

2. Make a square with the hookbait inside before rolling.

3. Roll between your hands_

4. gain achieve an even layer.

5. Work the bag mix into the paste.

6. Try to do it as evenly as possible.

7. Attach the hookbait to your rig.

8. Always dip the bait into the thinner liquid first.

9. Here we used the Pacific Tuna Concentrated Bait Dip and the L030.

10. A light sprinkle of the bag mix will stop most of the unwanted drippage over the swim.