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Is innovation a thing of the past?

We ask two CARPology regulars...


Is innovation a thing of the past and is the industry full of imitations?

Dave Ellyatt (Head Designer, ESP)

“Genuine innovation is probably not as prominent these days as there are only so many times the wheel can be re-invented but at ESP we are working steadily on a particular product category which when it comes good will set a new standard. In terms of imitation, yes, the tackle industry is full of it. There is of course good and bad imitation – good being where an existing concept is taken and improved upon. For example, PVA mesh systems, which for years were sold on rough, extruded tubes with black caps on the ends. ESP made large investments in British made tooling for moulded filler tubes, compressors and damp-resistant caps.”

Shaun Harrison (Quest Baits owner)

“I find it such a sad state of affairs that the morals of most seem to have totally gone out of the window these days. It is plain for all of us to see the same products appearing under different banners and the only ones benefiting are the overseas factories selling them to one and all. Those then trying to sell the said are merely diluting and sharing their profits with others rather than concentrating on their own designs. Innovation will always be there in a minority, but for the small and up-coming business starting off life on a tight budget, it is very difficult to protect their own unique originality.”