CC Moore
Corus NEW
CARPology Reviews

Nifty ND Gizmos

Two small but useful items from our pals at New Direction Tackle

1. USB Light
Most anglers carry a power pack for charging phones these days, so a flexible light that can plug into one of the USB sockets is a great idea. This bendy-necked LED lamp is just £7.90 and offers simple one-button operation. Tap once to turn on or off the red LEDs, or tap twice to illuminate or switch off the white LEDs. It also has brightness control and fits ND’s V9 Bivvy Tables. The USB Light is particularly handy if you want ambient illumination when fishing without a bivvy or shelter and you can’t fix a lamp to the roof. £7.90

2. Universal Directional Nut
There are plenty of annoyances in carp fishing; from diving coots to crayfish, and mallet bashers to hook pulls…and aligning your alarms and indicator brackets properly is definitely one of them. Rubber O-rings can help but they can perish or lead to over-tightening. These solid 4mm nuts, which come with a tightening tool, fit any bite alarm and eliminate any of those problems. Available in two, three or four-rod kits. £7.90

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