Corus NEW
CC Moore
Terry Hearn Features

Do your eyes ever leave the lake?

The biggest names in carp fishing pick Terry Hearn's brain - this time, Simon Crow asks the questions...

Simon Crow asks...

“Do your eyes ever leave the lake or have you been known to read a book, newspaper, watch TV or a DVD whilst fishing?”

“Going back a couple of years it was very rare for me to read or watch the telly on the bank at all. It was all about the fishing and getting into the zone, and obviously if you can fish like that then that it’s definitely the way to go. The thing is, it’s difficult to fish like that all the time. You know what it’s like in this day and age of iPads and iPhones, with catch-up TV and what have you on them, there’s always a distraction.

“Last winter I did a little bit on Richard Wilby’s lake in Norfolk, Spitfire Pool. It was dark by 5pm, and all alone, with very little going on, by 7pm I’d be struggling to keep my eyes open. In that case I found it wasn’t a bad idea to read or watch TV for a bit, after all, the alternative was going to bed. That way I at least kept myself up until midnight, and in-between programmes, during adverts etc, I’d turn the sound right down and wander up and down the bank with a brew, watching and listening for any carpy happenings.

“In essence, the TV kept me up until later in the night, otherwise I would have been asleep and missed any signs for sure. Plus, they are handy if you want to do a bit of research or learn about something whilst on the bank.”