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Trakker Utility Front

Sometimes you require more space (trips abroad, longer sessions, etc.) Now, thanks to Trakker’s new Utility Fronts, your trusty one-maner can be all of those things…

Trakker’s newest bankside living creation turns two of the company’s signature Tempest shelters into two-men luxurious spacious houses. Going abroad or indulging on a slightly long session? Taking the missus or kids on your next overnighter? Fortunately for users of the brand’s Tempest Brolly or Tempest Composite Bivvy, that extra space requirement can now be fulfilled without having to purchase an entirely new shelter. The Utility Front can simply be clipped-on and pegged out, giving a huge amount of additional space at the front of your bivvy. This space can be utilised in a variety of ways, and even offers enough room for two standard-sized bedchairs to be used lengthways inside the shelter.

It adds enough space to have two standard-sized beds lengthways inside the shelter

The ‘Front’ features two-way zipped doors which can be used letter-box style, and for those wishing to cover the floor of their recently acquired additional space can do so with a dedicated Utility Front Groundsheet.

“GIMME”: Look to pay around £129.99 for the Tempest Brolly version and £149.99 for the Composite. The Groundsheets will retail for £29.99 and £39.99;

Utility Front Q&A

Q. What are the internal dimensions of the Tempest Brolly and Tempest Composite once the Utility Front has been added?
A. It adds approximately 1m of additional covered space to the front of both shelters, creating an internal floor space of approximately 255(W) x 310cm (L) for the Brolly and 265(W) x 340cm (L) for the Composite.

Q. Is either Utility Front compatible with either shelter?
A. No. Each model has to be used with the correct front.

Q. Can I use my Tempest Brolly/Composite Utility Front in conjunction with a Tempest Brolly Skull Cap or Wrap?
A. No. These products are not designed to be used together.