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CARPology Reviews

Gemini A.R.C System

Forget pricey carbon and flashy reels. To cast further you need a more streamlined lead arrangement, and sea fishing pro, Gemini, have just the thing…

In years gone by, achieving greater casting distances meant one unavoidable truth: a hefty credit/debit card statement. New rods? Sure, they’ll help. Big pit reels? The extra yards they’ll gain is a given. A tutorial with Terry Edmonds? Worth every penny. But they all cost big money. However, new to the carp market, Gemini, think they have a much cheaper (and more effective) solution. It goes by the name of A.R.C System and in essence is a super streamlined lead system - with much of its DNA coming from the uber long-range casting sea fishing market…

Errr, this sounds really interesting, but who the hell is Gemini?
Founded in 1991, Gemini Tackle is a top-end, highly innovative terminal tackle sea fishing company. In their ‘own’ market they are a big deal, and now they’re set to bring some proper innovation to carp fishing.

High credentials then. So tell me a bit more about the product…
In a nutshell it’ll deliver your rig, tangle-free, to greater distances. It’s as simple as that. No changing rods and reels; no super thin main line and a chunky shockleader; just use this and you will cast further. Fact.

Wow, that’s a claim, but how?
Because your rig/lead arrangement is so streamlined. The lead features a clever locking pin that your hook fixes into, which in turn means unlike other rotary set-ups (helicopter rig) where the rig spins around the line on the cast (like a helicopter’s blades) with the A.R.C it means your rig is held tight against the leader/main line until impact with the water. It’s that good Gemini say these leads will add tens of yards to your previous maximum distance.

A close up of how the hook is held in position during the cast. Upon impact with the water, the disc located at the top of the lead slides forward, releasing the hook

But what about the rig presentation? Surely that’s going to be rubbish?
Not at all - in fact, it’s the opposite of rubbish - it’s perfection! Thanks to being able to lock the rig in position, it means there’s zero chance it can tangle. So now you can use really long rigs without fear of them tangling mid-flight and Hair tangles will be a thing of the past as it can’t wrap around the hook. Seriously, it’s genius!

I’m sold! But where can I buy them from?
Firstly, the leads themselves come in a covert matt finish and are available in Weed Green, Silt Brown or Sand Brown. Secondly, they are currently sold in presentation sets of five leads: 1 x 2oz, 1 x 2.5oz, 1 x 3oz and 2 x 3.5oz, and retail for £12.99, but they will be available for single purchase at a later date. And you can buy them direct from

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The leads are currently being sold in presentation sets of five leads for £12.99