CC Moore
Corus NEW
CARPology Rigs

How to create a line-aligner

We show you in just four simple steps how to create a line-aligner

01) Take a sewing needle and pass the end of your hooklink through the eye. Next pass it three-quarters of the way through your shrink tubing and then exit it through the side.

02) The sewing needle should exit through the side of the tubing a few millimetres from the end as shown in this illustration. Remove the needle and pass the tubing down the material.

03) Keep threading the shrink tubing down the hooklink material until you reach the hook. Position the tubing over the hook eye, ensuring where the material exits is in-line.

04) With the tubing in position and the hooklink material and eye of the hook perfectly in-line, hold over a kettle to shrink down. Once shrunk, trim the end at an angle as shown.