CC Moore
Corus NEW
CARPology Rigs

How to make sure your hook is super sharp

Straight to the point, checking if they are sharp

Without a shadow of a doubt, the most important aspect in carp fishing rigs is a sharp hook. Without a sharp hook, you are decreasing your chances of a pick-up by miles. It may cost you money, but if your hook is blunt you need to bin it and get a fresh rig on… sharpish! So, you’re unsure of know how to test the hook point? Well, let show you how now…

Using your skin

The second method of checking if the hook is sharp is to lightly push it into your skin. You will soon tell if it’s sharp, as you should experience a wasp-like sting feeling. If it’s not sharp you will soon tell too, as it’ll not penetrate your skin and generally won’t hurt or sting.

Using your nail

The first method of checking is using your fingernail. Take a hold of the shank of the hook and place the hook point on your nail and then lightly try and pull it down your fingernail. If it slides across your nail, it’s blunt and you need to bin it. If it sticks and doesn’t slip, then it’s sharp.