CC Moore
Corus NEW
CARPology Bait

How to spod mixers

Sometimes the fish will be out of catapult range so here's the method to get your free floating baits out to them

Feeding at close-range is simple, either catapulting Mixers as singles or presenting them in little PVA bags and then catapulting them, but how do you present Mixers at long-range when the fish are showing out in the lake? Spodding is one of the only ways and it can be extremely effective when the carp are showing at long distances, but what technique do you use in order to empty them from the spod? This step-by-step will show you how to exactly.

01 Firstly you need to three-quarter fill your spod with your chosen surface bait – whether that’s good old Chum Mixers or purposely-designed floating carp pellets. If you fill it to the top, the Mixers will spill out of the rocket in flight.

02 Dunk the spod quickly into the water to lubricate the Mixers, as this will help them stick a bit better in the spod and minimise any spod spill. If you are using a spod that doesn’t feature any holes this will also add casting weight for maximised distance.

03 Cast the spod as you would normally and just before the spod hits the surface feather it and then finally stop the line with your finger to make the spod lay down quietly on the surface. Doing it this way, it stops the spod from bombing in.

04 As soon as it hits the water, pull back hard and quickly, this will make the spod summersault in the air chucking the Mixers out the top of the spod over your spot, it is best to do it two or three times to empty the entire contents of the spod.