CC Moore
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CARPology Bait

How to turn your summer spod mixes coldwater friendly

Our in-house bait boffin, Keith Sykes is here to reveal how to turn your summer spod mixes into coldwater-friendly versions…

1. Get your hemp steaming

“The easiest addition is to add rock salt after the hemp is cooked and then make it a little more visual with the addition of some coloured and flavoured maize and sweetcorn – scopex or strawberry are blinders. Oh, one other top tip is add two or three tablespoons of cider vinegar!”

2. Blanche your pellets

“Whilst carp will eat pellets all year round, come colder water temperatures pellets can easily be revved up, and this is best done on the bank. Just add boiling water to your pellet mix, give them a good stir and then allow to cool and then feed the fish. To really get the pellets roasting, add spices.”

3. Germ warfare

“Make your maggots that little bit better than the next guy’s by giving them a good clean, adding maize powder and then coat them in some of the following: turmeric is brilliant in the winter; Hinders’s Betalin or Solar’s Candy Sweetener, or any volatile water-soluble flavour. You can make them even more attractive by adding vodka!”

4. Come eat my boilies

“Good quality food dips just ooze attraction at this time of the year and they will give the fish the nudge to feed – oh, and don’t be afraid to apply liberally. Back end of winter a good top-dressing of salt and vitamins will get them munching in earnest. Try the Tackle Box’s Ming Oil.”

5. Bits and pieces

“There are some really good particles that can be used in the winter, and some are brilliant as hookbaits, only due to their characteristics. Top of the list are oat groats soaked in evaporated full fat milk. For hookers look at the following: almonds, brazils, hazelnuts, dry roasted peanuts and/or coloured and flavoured chick peas.”

6. In the mix

“If there is one additive that stands head and shoulders above all powdered additives, it’s Nashbait’s Squid Extract Powder. If you want to make your groundbait or spod mix the best on the pond then just add this at the recommended levels, sit back and bag up, it’s as simples as that!”