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James Anderson Features

Read the weather for the best results this November

College lecturer and carping coach, James Anderson takes a look at weather systems to look out for and ones to avoid this month

Three weather systems to look out for

01 Heavy cloud cover cuts light levels down meaning fish feel more confident to feed. It also acts as an insulating blanket, which raises the air temperature by several degrees. This can raise water temperatures by a small amount, which can be enough to trigger a feeding spell.

02 Settled weather. Even if we do get some cold conditions it is not the end of the world in terms of fishing. Long periods of settled weather mean a steady environment for the carp to get used to. Feeding times may be short but carp can be very catchable in short windows.

03 Long warm periods. If we have a few days of unseasonably warm weather then it’s definitely time to get the rods out. These occur from time-to-time and if they following a particularly cold period then the carp can really get on the feed and become a lot more active.

Three weather systems to avoid

01 Blue skies and bright sun. These conditions tend make fishing harder for most species of fish. At this time of year the water has lost a lot of colour and so visibility is very good. This clear water coupled with bright sun can put the fish on edge and make them less likely to feed.

02 Sharp frosts. Carp do not like sudden changes in temperatures and overnight temperatures at this time of year can drop as low as -5oC. These sudden drops can lower water temperatures by several degrees, which can cause cat ice in the margins and easily put the carp off feeding for a period of time.

03 Changeable weather. Carp like a steady consistent environment so when weather conditions vary rapidly over a short period of time it can lead to stress. Anything that stresses the fish will have a negative impact in their feeding behaviour meaning the fishing can suffer.