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The top five captures of all time

Not always the biggest catches, but these five are certainly the most influential captures

Terry Hearn: Mary

Weighing in at 55lb 13oz, she smashed the then previous British record and turned Terry Hearn into even more of a living legend almost overnight.

Max Cottis: Cassien Mirror

In 1985, Max was the first English angler to catch a carp over 60lbs; a landmark capture that has seen many UK anglers venture abroad.

Chris Yates: The Bishop

In 1980, Chris caught the UK’s first fifty and the first capture to top Dick Walker’s long-standing record. He named the fish ‘The Bishop’.

Jason Hayward: The Black Mirror

This previously uncaught giant saw Jason awarded with the coveted Cobra Cup. The fish then proved to be one of the most illusive in the land.

Dick Walker: Clarissa

Arguably this single capture inspired generations of carp fishermen across the UK and for that reason it is number one on our top five.